
How To Choose Safe Plastic Tableware?

Summary:   Generally speaking, most of the plastic tableware on the market are qualified, and the qualified plastic tableware in life is not easy to produce toxic substances in the microwave oven. If you want to have a healthy quality of life, you have to pa......

   Generally speaking, most of the plastic tableware on the market are qualified, and the qualified plastic tableware in life is not easy to produce toxic substances in the microwave oven. If you want to have a healthy quality of life, you have to pay more attention to the purchase of plastic tableware. Here we have to see and smell

    A look at the appearance: First, look at the basic information of the product, including the manufacturer, conformity label, certification standards, etc. The second is to look at the permeability of the product's appearance. If the product has an uneven appearance and gray-black particles, it is best not to buy it. The third is to look at the color, preferably white, because the colored plastics have additives and contain chemical elements, which may cause harm to the body.

    Second smell: Qualified plastic products have no pungent odor. Before buying, it is best to open the lid and smell it. If there is an unpleasant smell, don't buy it. For your own health, you must be careful when purchasing products and do not pick them up and leave.

    Three-touch texture: Qualified plastic products have a smooth surface, no discoloration, and are elastic. When purchasing, you can twist them slightly with your hands, and be careful not to use too much force, so as not to damage them. If the people in the mall won't let you twist the product, then test it after you buy it and go home.

    In addition, there are many kinds of plastic tableware according to the composition, such as high-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, low-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate, etc. Plastic tableware with different components is suitable for holding different substances, and there will be corresponding requirements for use. When purchasing, you must meet your own needs.